Get Data Maps that are

Get Data Maps that are Fast, Accurate & Dynamic

Use Privado Data Mapping to generate accurate and dynamic data maps in a fraction of the time. Continuously scan products, apps, contracts and systems to achieve and maintain compliance.
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Image showing the Data Sharing Application, Storage Application and Leakage of User Data.
Data Mapping Diagram
A Card with text that describes the Data Shared
Dynamic Data Maps
Thunder Icon with Gradient Fill

Save time with complete data maps in under 3 Days

Stop chasing stakeholders for months with assessments and spreadsheets. Get data maps with the click of a button.

Security Icon with Gradient Fill

Reduce risk with data maps that never lie

Eliminate subjective inputs that lead to costly compliance mistakes. Generate accurate data maps with privacy code scanning.

Staircase Icon with Gradient Fill

Scale privacy with automated data maps

Stop building static data maps that go out of date with your next product release. Put data maps on auto-pilot and stay in sync with business changes.

Data Mapping Made Simple

Illustration of an automatic system discovering and classifying personal data elements, and creating a dynamic inventory of all data-stores, systems, and third parties
Data Inventory

Gain Full Visibility of Your Data

Automatically discover and classify the personal data elements your company processes.  Build a dynamic inventory of all data-stores, systems, and third parties.

Illustration of Privado identifying shadow third-parties in product code, contracts, SSO providers, and systems to compile a comprehensive list
Third Party Visibility


Identify shadow third-parties integrated in your product code or used by business teams. Privado scans your product code, contracts, SSO providers and systems to create a complete list of third parties.

Illustration of the complete data lifecycle with emphasis on data sharing and transfer control
Data Discovery

Dynamic Data Flow Discovery

Visualize the full data lifecycle from collection to sharing and storage. Prevent excessive data sharing with third parties and identify cross-border data transfers.

Illustration of pre-filled RoPAs and PIAs generation through product and application scans, promoting collaboration with product and engineering teams
Assessment Automation

Defensible Privacy Reports

Generate pre-filled RoPAs and PIAs directly from scanning your products and applications. Seamlessly collaborate with product and engineering teams to get faster and accurate responses.

Start bridging the Privacy Engineering Gap